How to Get Closure from a Narcissist or Psychopath EX

Getting closure from a psychopath is a feat not many can achieve for it is an unrealistic accomplishment considering the facts. You have a better chance at spotting a shooting star, remembering to make a wish and that wish actually coming true.

However despite the near impossible odds, there really is a way to get closure from a narcissist or psychopath. It’s just not the type of closure you are used to or the one you feel you deserve.

Well first of all, what exactly is closure?

Closure is when both parties can honestly say they parted ways from each other and achieved some sort of finality from the relationship. There are no loose ends or reasons to look back anymore.

Among normal healthy human beings, even when a marriage or relationship is severed in bad terms, BOTH parties need that sense of closure in order to move on with their lives and they both tend to help each other achieve it.

Since there was actually love in that relationship, it’s not difficult to give each other the closure and blessings along their way.

But this is not something that’s achievable when dealing with a psychopath and they know this too well so they use that need against you.

If you truly want to get closure from a narcissist or psychopath ex there are a few things you will need to understand.

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Feeling LONELY after the Narcissist Discards you?

If you have recently been discarded or dumped by your narcissist ex, then you are probably feeling exactly what most of their previous victims felt and what their future victims are guaranteed to experience in the near future; loneliness.

Besides the unrelenting confusion, anxiety and ptsd symptoms running a muck in your head pretty much all throughout your day, at some point you will experience a greater sense of loneliness and despair than perhaps you have ever felt in your life.

This feeling of what I’d like to call post narcissistic discard loneliness stems from all the drama, attention, battles, arguments, love bombing, intense sex, gas lighting, tantrums, lies, and nightmares you experienced while dating this monster. The entirety of it all, despite being an extremely toxic situation to be in, was overwhelming to say the least. So overwhelming in fact that life may seem a little less exciting now that the narcissist is gone.

However, this type of psychological torment takes time to understand and even more time to heal from. The loneliness you are feeling after being discarded by your narcissist ex is normal and it’s will eventually subside. It’s ok to temporarily feel this way, it’s all part of the process and things will get so much better in the months to come.

Despite your current feelings of loneliness, I promise you that once you heal from this trauma and regain your strength and power back, you will deem this discard as the best thing that could’ve happened to you because the alternative would have you STILL BEING IN A RELATIONSHIT WITH THE NARCISSIST. (that’s not a typo)

Continue reading “Feeling LONELY after the Narcissist Discards you?”

Is your Narcissist Psychopath EX better off without you?

After being discarded by a narcissist or psychopath, most victims obsessively wonder if their ex is actually better off without them. It’s a common curiosity to have especially in the condition that the narcissist leave their victims in; sometimes questioning their own validity or purpose in this world.

While this type of question can be of a subjective matter, many people feel that only the extreme, machine like Terminator-type of psychopath is legitimately better off without you after making their calculated decision that continuing to have you in their life would not benefit them in any way.

These types of psychopaths are on a clear cut mission and get no value in torturing you for fun or boredom because they have much larger, global scale type of goals and probably saw you as a temporary asset. Once they got what they needed, they discarded you the same way we discard a scented candle once it’s been completely burned out and useless to us.

Continue reading “Is your Narcissist Psychopath EX better off without you?”

Being DISCARDED by a Psychopath Narcissist FEELS like DEATH

Psychopath narcissists love torturing you while they’re a part of your life but even when they’re gone, their poison is still left inside of you, crawling thru your mind like a cancer, warping your every thought and making even the simplest of tasks a nightmare to accomplish.

To the psychopath narcissist, you are just another victim left to decay after being sucked dry of your life force; much like a vampire will leave their prey to rot after feeding on their blood.

Narcissists are predators that feed on your energy, rape your mind and steal your soul. While you are in a relationship with them, you are slowly being poison dripped, gradually molded and groomed into a state of complete hypnosis where you can’t even realize the harm being done to you. Continue reading “Being DISCARDED by a Psychopath Narcissist FEELS like DEATH”

Why Do Psychopath Narcissists TORTURE Their Partners?

Psychopath Narcissists look like normal human beings on the outside, but don’t be fooled. On the inside they are soulless monsters incapable of feeling normal human emotions like Love and Empathy and for obvious reasons, do not operate like normal human beings.

They are disordered individuals, forever angry and resentful at the world and at themselves. Since they cannot feel any sort of empathy towards another human being, they do not understand why it is that some of their actions cause others pain and grief.

In time they learn to use this lack of empathy as a form of power and control over normal human beings and are able to get away with immoral acts in order to rise to the top of the corporate world or reach Hollywood fame, crushing anyone in their path without a trace of guilt or remorse. Continue reading “Why Do Psychopath Narcissists TORTURE Their Partners?”

BREAKING No Contact with the Narcissist Psychopath EX Brings Catastrophic Consequences

Psychopath narcissists are experts in finding ways to continue tormenting and mentally abusing you after the discard phase especially if they feel they can still extract more narcissistic supply from you.

This is why going no contact with a psychopath ex is the most effective way to stop the bleeding and the first steps towards recovery from a narcissistic abusive relationship. Continue reading “BREAKING No Contact with the Narcissist Psychopath EX Brings Catastrophic Consequences”

5 Steps To Going NO CONTACT With Your Narcissist Psychopath EX

You’ve probably already heard about the No Contact Rule when breaking up with an ex but for some reason, the thought of completely shutting all doors behind your narcissist psychopath ex seems impossible right?

After all, you are angry. You want revenge. You want to tell them off. You want answers. You want an apology. You want the truth. You want a sign of empathy. You want them to speak to you with the same warm loving tone that they once did in the beginning of the relationship. YOU WANT CLOSURE.

So why close the door on that possibility? Continue reading “5 Steps To Going NO CONTACT With Your Narcissist Psychopath EX”

NO CONTACT Rule Is CRUCIAL When Dealing With A Narcissist Or Psychopath

If you’ve recently been dumped or discarded by your narcissist or psychopath ex, you are probably experiencing a lot of anxiety, panic attacks, maybe a little post traumatic stress disorder (ptsd) and are probably driving yourself insane by stalking their social media only to discover even more pain and confusion.

You wake up in a panic and your futile attempts to make it through the day, carrying this burden of depression and madness is too much to handle, much less get any of you friends and family to understand what you are feeling and going thru.

You keep asking yourself why can’t you get over your ex, what is it about this one in particular that your mind, body and soul simply cannot let go of despite the narcissistic abuse they put you through?

So you reach for the phone and send them yet another text asking questions, hoping to get some closure or a little empathy for what you are going thru, but…

You get NOTHING. No response. Silent treatment. You’ve been discarded. Continue reading “NO CONTACT Rule Is CRUCIAL When Dealing With A Narcissist Or Psychopath”